Our story The advantages of our environment are expert Montessori educators, the use of high quality learning materials and a child-oriented approach.

Our story

Svet Montessori (The Montessori World) is a community, indeed a big family of children, parents and educators connected by common values. We grow together, we learn and explore together, we unchain our curiosity and creativity, and most of all we learn to respect ourselves, other people and our own environment.

We are here to support parents in their children’s education. Our aim is for children to gain curricular knowledge while gaining the skills that will allow them to adapt to their future everyday lives.

Our story began in July 2019, when we formed a group of parents, children and educators to set up an educational institution that would offer children everything they need in order to acquire knowledge and personal growth based on the principles of the Montessori approach.

The role of the Svet Montessori institute is to assist parents with their children’s homeschooling. Vsi osnovnošolski otroci pri nas imajo status šolarja na domu. Zavod nudi vse aktivnosti, ki otroku omogočajo, da doseže potrebno znanje in učne cilje za nadaljnje izobraževanje. Trenutno sta aktivni prvi dve triadi (od prvega do šestega razreda). Otroci so uradno vpisani v eno izmed javnih oz. zasebnih osnovnih šol, kjer ob koncu šolskega leta opravljajo preizkus znanja.

Our children are officially enrolled in a public primary school, where they will take the required final exams at the end of the year. At the moment, we accept children aged from 1 to 6. Should you consider changing your child’s educational path, our staff will be more than glad to meet with you and help you clear up all your doubts. We are fully aware that parents play a crucial role in the education of their children, which is why collaborating with you is extremely important to us.

Any child is welcome to join our Montessori world, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or creed. Our fast-changing society is becoming more and more multicultural and is requiring new forms of coexistence. That is why we encourage multilingualism and intercultural awareness in children. We live in an area where different cultures and languages have been coexisting for so long that accepting differences is fundamental. We offer children some essential insight into the world’s main religions, teaching them to respect their own heritage. We give them the tools that they need to develop critical thinking and autonomy. Free choice, alongside the respect for local traditions and the acceptance and inclusiveness of what’s different, is a key factor for a spiritually prolific and peaceful future.

We work in a trilingual environment, where foreign languages are taught and spoken by native speakers. This way, children get to know and accept a foreign language – whether it’s Slovenian, Italian or English – in a completely spontaneous way and in a different context.

The advantages of our environment are expert Montessori educators, the use of high quality learning materials and a child-oriented approach.


Our mission is to offer children and parents our support in their education process in line with the Montessori method, in a safe and stimulating environment. This way, children will fully develop their potentials and become responsible and independent.


Our goal is to evolve into a top contemporary educational Montessori-based institution in the northern coastal region, as well as the wider area, connected with the local community and, at the same time, open to the world.


The values we believe in and which unite us are curiosity, passion for learning, resourcefulness, creativity, friendship, compassion, peace, freedom, order and respect for oneself, others and the environment.


Zavod Svet montessori, šolstvo, Nova Gorica

Cesta 25. junija 1B, Kromberk

5000 Nova Gorica

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Zavod Svet montessori, šolstvo, Nova Gorica

Cesta 25. junija 1B, Kromberk

5000 Nova Gorica

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Copyright © 2020 Svet montessori Nova Gorica. Design by Studio AF

All Rights Reserved