Learn more If you wish to learn more about the Montessori education, we strongly suggest you check out the below resources.


The Absorbent Mind, M. Montessori

The Absorbent Mind is Maria Montessori’s last book. It is one of her key works and therefore the basis for understanding her educational approach.

The Secret of Childhood, M. Montessori

A quote from Marie Montessori’s The Secret of Childhood best conveys the message of the book: “One cannot see the method; one sees the child. One sees the child soul, freed from obstacles, acting in accordance with its true nature. The childish qualities of which we catch glimpses are simply a part of life, like the colours of birds or the scent of flowers. They are not at all the results of any ‘method of education’. But it is evident that these natural facts can be influenced by an education seeking to protect them, cultivate them, and assist their development.”

Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents: A Selection of Articles

This booklet includes eleven previously unpublished lectures by Maria Montessori introduced aimed specifically at parents. Montessori was always fully aware of what an important role parents play. She wanted to educate them so they would be able to help their children in their development to the best of their abilities, and so they would understand the essence of her educational approach.

Montessori From the Start, P. P. Lillard and L. L. Jessen

Book about parenting and education. 

Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius,  A. S. Lillard

Book about Montessori Education.

A Parent’s Guide to the Montessori Classroom, A. D. Wolf

Book about Montessori Education.


How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century, A Time Magazine report

A Time Magazine report


Trevor Eissler “Montessori Madness!”

Google Founders Talk Montessori

Superwoman Was Already Here!


Združenje MONTESSORI Slovenije

The Slovenian Montessori Association was established in 2008. The association connects all the Montessori professionals in Slovenia. It is also a place where parents can get information about Montessori pedagogy in Slovenia


Pogovoriva se

Irena Stubelj Marinič, mag. psihosocialne pomoči

Zavod Svet montessori sodeluje s psihosocialno svetovalko Ireno Stubelj Marinič, ki se ukvarja z nudenjem psihosocialne pomoči otrokom, mladostnikom in odraslim na Goriškem. Več o njej in njenem delu si lahko preberete na spletni strani


Notes: These content is based on specialised literature (Maria Montessori: The Absorbent Mind, The Secret of Childhood, Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents; M. Kordeš Demšar: Pedagogika montessori, article).


Zavod Svet montessori, šolstvo, Nova Gorica

Cesta 25. junija 1B, Kromberk

5000 Nova Gorica

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Zavod Svet montessori, šolstvo, Nova Gorica

Cesta 25. junija 1B, Kromberk

5000 Nova Gorica

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