VRTEC V predšolskem obdobju otroci svet odkrivajo s pomočjo čutil in zato kažejo velik interes za razvoj na telesnem, motoričnem in jezikovnem področju.

OBVESTILO: V kratkem bo v Zavodu Svet montessori na voljo tudi program za predšolske otroke (1-6 let). Za dodatne informacije smo vam vljudno na voljo na info@svetmontessori.si in na telefonski številki 041 486 998. Z veseljem se sestanemo z vami in odgovorimo na vaša vprašanja.

The Montessori educational method is based on the fact that infancy, the time from birth to six years of age, is the most important period for a child’s development. At that age, children absorb any impression from their surroundings like sponges (“absorbent mind”) and try hard to gain certain skills (“sensitive periods”). Children who are exposed to a suitable prepared environment at that age have the possibility to fully develop their skills.

Preschool children discover the world with their senses, so they show great interest in development on a physical, motor and language level. By exploring their world, children gain control over their bodies; they learn to be independent and organised while their personality is being formed. In this period, children also learn to respect, accept and listen to others while developing, at their own pace, the bases for academic and social skills.


Zavod Svet montessori, šolstvo, Nova Gorica

Cesta 25. junija 1B, Kromberk

5000 Nova Gorica

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Zavod Svet montessori, šolstvo, Nova Gorica

Cesta 25. junija 1B, Kromberk

5000 Nova Gorica

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Copyright © 2020 Svet montessori Nova Gorica. Design by Studio AF

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