Our team When the right people join forces, they create the right things and everything moves in the right direction. Get to know our professional, devoted and dynamic staff, who are united by common values and goals, and especially by the desire to be there for the children.

Our team When the right people join forces, they create the right things and everything moves in the right direction. Get to know our professional, devoted and dynamic staff, who are united by common values and goals, and especially by the desire to be there for the children.

Romeo Grebenšek

Romeo Grebenšek je zaključil šolanje na AGRFT v Ljubljani – smer dramska igra in umetniška beseda. Kot član igralskega ansambla SSG v Trstu in gost v različnih profesionalnih gledališčih po Sloveniji je oblikoval več kot štirideset vlog. 

Ena odmevnejših je bila zagotovo vloga Murna v Schimmelpfeningovem Zlatem zmaju, za katero je na mednarodnem festivalu Joachim v Kragujevcu prejel nagrado kot najboljši igralec festivala. Poleg igranja v gledališču nastopa v kratkih in celovečernih filmih, umetniško vodi amatersko gledališče Velenje, otroške gledališke delavnice in poletne kampe ter redno sodeluje pri snemanju radijskih iger za odrasle in otroke ter ustvarjanju poletnega jutranjega programa na Radiu Trst A.

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Lea Ward

Lea je rojena na Irskem. Odraščala je v Melbournu, v Avstraliji, kjer je tudi diplomirala iz likovne umetnosti. Na začetku svoje kariere se je posvetila umetnosti kot samostojna umetnica. Delala je tudi z otroki, med drugimi je vodila umetniški projekt v osnovni šoli aboriginske skupnosti na severu Avstralije.

She also worked with children, including running an art project in a primary school on an Aboriginal community in northern Australia. Since moving to Slovenia in 2010 she has been teaching English to children, teenagers and adults and has also completed her teaching qualifications at the University of Primorska. In 2016 she started working in a Montessori school and enjoys seeing the results of language teaching in a system where the children are exposed to much more than just frontal English lessons.

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Amanda Vidic

Amanda Vidic is a trained musician – violinist and professor of violin, and has been teaching at a music school since she got her PhD at the Ljubljana Academy of Music. 

 Driven by her desire to understand children and improve her vocation, she took part, throughout her teaching career, in various lectures, seminars and workshops in the field of education and developmental psychology, as well as training courses on the Montessori method (0 – 3) at the Montessori Institute in Ljubljana. In her work with children, she combines her musical skills (playing instruments, composing, musical theory) with Montessori techniques and stage acting, for which she gained valuable skills during her years at theatre school.

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Martina Leban Errico

Martina is a teacher of Italian and Spanish, as well as a translator. Given her passion for languages, she wanted to become a teacher from a very young age, and she dedicated all her student years to that goal.

She started teaching foreign languages as a student, gaining important experiences in the field of teaching adults as well as children. She first encountered the Montessori method after her first child was born and she wanted to give her a kind of environment that would be suitable for her first steps in getting to know and discovering the world around her. She took part in the Montessori 6–12 training course, where she kept thinking how she could integrate teaching foreign languages with her new-found knowledge. Knowing Italian is particularly important in a border area like ours. But it’s equally important that we are familiar with our neighbours’ traditions, the culture and the history. Teaching Italian thus also becomes a means for children to learn to accept differences. Her work is focused on helping children become self-confident, independent and motivated to find their place in life, one that will make them happy.

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Ana Čevdek

After gaining her DSc, Ana centred her career on teaching science to primary school children and students. You can find this multitalented instructor in many different fields. She likes combining her scientific knowledge with being physically fit and lives by the principle “Mens sana in corpore sano”. 

She is well known as a teacher both on a local level as well as throughout Slovenia as co-author of an interactive textbook. She makes it a point to adapt her teaching methods to the needs of each student by trying to relate as much as possible to their points of view. She is convinced that we all have different ways of thinking, so gaining knowledge requires a more personal approach.

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Lidija Pestotnik

Lidija je po rodu Dolenjka, a jo je srce že od malih nog vleklo na Primorsko.
Je profesorica nemščine in montessori pedagog za otroke, stare od 6 do12 let. Od nekdaj sta ji najbližje matematika in jezikoslovje, čeprav marsikdo ne razume, kako gre to skupaj.

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Martin Batagelj

Martin is an educator of preschool children and has a PhD in history. Due to his love for working with children, once he’d finished primary school he decided to study preschool education at the Veno Pilon High School in Ajdovščina, where he gained fundamental knowledge about education and the development of preschool children, while his practical training gave him some important work experience.

Working with children was his life mission throughout his education, and he is utterly fascinated by the development and the psychology of children. He had his first encounter with the Montessori education at seventeen. It was a breakthrough event for him, as he immediately fell in love with Marie Montessori’s method. After completing high school in 2015, his passion for studying and researching history led him to the School of Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica, where he graduated from history in 2020. When he works with children, as a historian he’s not one to shy away from debates or questions about history, and he’s always glad to share interesting historical anecdotes or tales that he’s come across as an avid reader. As a recreational athlete and football enthusiast, he’s always ready for some recreation and action.

As a recreational athlete and football enthusiast, he’s always ready for some recreation and action.

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Zavod Svet montessori, šolstvo, Nova Gorica

Cesta 25. junija 1B, Kromberk

5000 Nova Gorica

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Zavod Svet montessori, šolstvo, Nova Gorica

Cesta 25. junija 1B, Kromberk

5000 Nova Gorica

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